Sadly, almost
incomprehensibly, my dad passed away on March 30, 2002, after a very
long and painful bout with several forms of cancer. Never have I
encountered a soul that has so bravely fought the miseries of disease,
or one that has faced each new setback with as profound a grace and
humor. Despite his enormous physical difficulties, my dad never strayed
too far from his beloved studio, even as the already brief stretches of
time his poor withered legs were able to support him kept right on
diminishing. My dad's two constants in life throughout both good times
and sad, were his "Svetoi Barashek" (Russian transliteration for "Sacred
Lamb") - which was his favorite last pet name for my mom - and his
charcoal sketchpad. Everyone who has known this brilliant and humble man
knows that they are forever blessed with the memory of a soul who, via
his art, brought all of us a step closer to God. His eye for beauty, his
deep resonance with nature's sacred patterns, and his gentle humility
will be missed more than words alone can possibly convey. Many artists
have come and gone, of course, and many creative people remain in our
midst, but never again will the world's beauty be quite so radiant, and
the portal to the spiritual realm quite so wide and inviting, as when
the quiet, visionary genius I called Dad was hard at play (never work!)
in his studio. I will always cherish my time on this Earth with him, and
all that he continues to teach me. |